InspireTale Studio
By Sahapat
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About Me
Hello, my name is Sahapat Thong-on. I consider myself an engineer with a keen interest in sciences and mathematics. Among the branches of science, software development is where I excel the most. I derive immense pleasure from witnessing how the fundamentals of science are applied in our daily lives. My hobbies include playing games, constructing electronic circuits, building LEGO cities, and programming microcontrollers.
I pursued a Bachelor of Information Technology with a focus on game development. During my university years, I worked on remastering old games and created original ones. My professional journey began in a VFX company, providing me with experiences in graphic programming, GPU scripting, web development, and management. While working full-time, I also undertook outsourced projects from various companies. Leading some of these projects taught me valuable crisis management skills.
Moving on to my next role at a senior level, I gained further experience in team training and management using the Agile framework. These diverse experiences have humbled me and enhanced my professionalism. I believe that drawing from these experiences can contribute to enhancing and resolving your challenges.
GPA 3.58
Triumbundhit & Saipunya Rangsit School
Passionate about science and computers
Participated in the junior astrophysics camp
Engaged in the microcontroller camp
High School Diploma
Secured 3rd place in the Provincial Astrophysics contest
Won the RSU Hackathon, receiving an IT scholarship
GPA 3.94
Rangsit University
Fascinated by game development
Explored graphic programming and shaders
Contributed to the global game jam events from 2017 to 2021
Attended a startup camp for students from 2016 to 2018
Engaged in physics research school opportunities
Bachelor of Information Technology
Triumphed in the Startup Thailand league (<LecShop>) in 2016
Showcased my game in a small exhibition at Thailand Digital Bigbang 2018
Served as a mentor in Network Programming class at RSU
Praneat co.
Game Developer
Proficient in MVC and MVVM design patterns
Skilled in managing code within teams using Git and SVN
Acquired knowledge of SOLID principles
Web Developer
Proficient in web development utilizing React framework
Acquired expertise in API development using Google Cloud Functions
Internship, Full-time
World Peace
True Money Digipet
TJM Media Platform
Software Developer
Developed in-house core frameworks using C++ and Python
Competent in web development using Vue.js framework
Proficient in API development using Python within an in-house framework
Responsible for code maintenance and review across multiple projects
Acquired knowledge in GPU programming with Nvidia CUDA
Permanent, Full-time
Chat application for internal communication and management
OpenERP customization for internal propose
In-house VFX software
In-house ERP Framework
InspireTale <Outsource>
Lyve Soft
Enhanced web frontend skills to handle legacy code
PiR Square
Proficient in relational database design
Versatile in web development using various frameworks based on team preferences
Proficient in API development using Node.js with MVC pattern
Transitioned into team management as a project lead
Outsource, Part-time
Ads Network platform
New Sherif <instructional media>
Pocky Time Pocky Talk
Nissan VR Showroom
Andamanda Waterpark Platform
PiR Square
Senior Game Developer
Managed teams using Agile framework
Improved communication skills for client meetings
Proficient in real-time multiplayer game development using Unity and Three.js
Senior Software Developer
Acquired skills in building and troubleshooting enterprise software
Handled crisis management during software malfunctions
Permanent, Full-time
OIC Insurance Game
OIC Defender Game
Flow Square E-Commerse Platform
Dryv Technology
Software developer
Experienced in developing software for factory environments
Outsource, Part-time
In-house manufacturing software
Tech Stack
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Available for select freelance oppotunities
Send me an email or contact me via instant message
Copyright © 2023 Sahapat thong-on